Hi! I'm Natalie
My Story

Natalie with a painting of Oli

It is better to give than to receive
My son Oli died from a rare childhood cancer at the age of eight.
He endured much pain, underwent medical and surgical procedures during months of hospitalization and isolation, uncertainty, fear and separation from his two younger sisters and school friends.
Among the many lessons I learned from this ordeal, is how much suffering children experience in hospitals, not only from their illness and treatments but especially from the isolation, uncertainty, fear and separation from their peers.
I also realized how beneficial it is for these children and their families (and the medical and nursing staff caring for them) to have something to offer them to alleviate their distress.
Oli's Gift boxes give sick kids the tools for creativity. Art materials, books and journals (for creative writing or journaling) offer so much more than just distraction and occupation.
Creativity promotes right brain activity, dissociating us from the 'reality' surrounding us. It transports us. How often have you found yourself oblivious to what's going on around you, when you're busy creating something?
Words are not enough to convey the love these kids and their families feel when they receive these unexpected gifts made with love, from donations given with love. (see the testimonials!)
I am Natalie. My girls and I have set our heart on making sure as many sick kids as possible receive Oli's gifts, so that this love might help heal many... the recipients as well as those contributing.