What's Oli's Gift?
Oli's Gift boxes are full of art materials, journals and activity books, given to children while in hospital for cancer and other serious illnesses.
Named in honour of Oliver - a brave boy who died when he was 8 years of age after a long, painful battle with a rare cancer. Oliver's mother Natalie (see 'About Me') realized that children in cancer wards suffered not only from their painful illness and the treatments but also from apprehension, loneliness, isolation, boredom and a great deal of fear.
Oli's gift boxes contain (age & gender appropriate) items designed to not only give the children something to pass the long days, but being art and writing 'creative tools' enable them to escape into 'right brain' activity. It transports them from their suffering. It is healing.
The children cherish these gifts and even their 'special' boxes in which they store all their creations and other bits and bobs. Their families are very grateful.
Hospital staff tell us they're thrilled to have a gift to offer the sick kids - in contrast to delivering only 'news of more tests and worrying results'.
Already, hundreds of children in South East Queensland hospitals have received an Oli's Gift box.
The children and families who volunteer to assemble the boxes have benefited greatly.
The response has been a heartwarming proof of the power of love and generosity to heal the most unimaginable pain.
Please consider giving a gift of love to these children.
Contact Natalie if you'd like to dedicate a gift box.
A very sincere 'thank you' to everyone who has donated, as well as to the sponsors of this charity.

“God gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers.”